Welcome to Taiwan
High Speed Rail Museum

We invite you to witness the achievements that have propelled Taiwan into the era of high speed rail.
Join us on a journey through the space and time of Taiwan's railway history.



The Birth of High Speed Rail

The Birth of High Speed Rail

Founded in May 1998, the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation was established with the primary goal of expediting north-south transportation in Taiwan and seamlessly integrating it into daily life. With government support and the collective efforts of domestic private enterprises, we successfully undertook a monumental railway endeavor that extended across the threshold of a new millennium.

The Era of High Speed

The Era of High Speed

As a pioneer of Taiwan's high speed era and an innovator in railway information technology, we utilize cutting-edge communication, electronics, information, and sensing technologies to seamlessly integrate strategies for managing people, roads, and vehicles. This integration results in real-time information delivery and the formation of the THSR ITS Smart Railway Services System, which not only enhances the safety, efficiency, and comfort of the transportation network but also reduces the environmental impact of traffic.

The Insights to Repair & Maintenance

The Insights to Repair & Maintenance

To provide passengers with safe, swift, and smooth transportation services, our maintenance personnel work tirelessly day and night. They begin their preparations early each day, gathering the necessary tools, materials, and maintenance vehicles. They also ensure the availability of emergency equipment for rapid response to unexpected events. After the midnight high speed trains complete their transport missions and return to the maintenance base, these dedicated professionals spring into action by commencing vehicle inspection and repair. They meticulously tailor these tasks according to the mileage of different trains, thereby conducting various levels of inspection and maintenance to ensure passenger safety and service efficiency.

The Vision of Glory
The Vision of Glory

The Vision of Glory

Aside from being a vital national transportation infrastructure, we also lead passengers to explore the beauty of the island throughout the seasons. Offering safety, comfort, and convenience, we play a significant role in creating a convenient and enriched life in Taiwan. Looking ahead, we will continue to center our development around the four pillars of Transportation, Technology, Taiwan, and Touch, collectively represented by the 4T spirit. We will also actively pursue our corporate vision of becoming a "pioneer of progress who forges a platform for a better life."

The Public Chamber

The Public Chamber

Since 2003, the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation has been engaged in the collection of historical artifacts related to the high speed rail. Following periods of preservation at the HSR Dayuan Main Workshop and HSR Yanchao Main Workshop, it found its permanent home at the THSR Operation Management Center in 2016. The Taiwan High Speed Rail Museum stands as the world's unique exhibition-style repository, featuring large-scale photovoltaic glass screens combined with multimedia touchpoints. Over the years, through continuous efforts in the investigation, research, acquisition, and preservation of cultural heritage, the High Speed Rail Cultural and Historical Repository has amassed a collection of over 15,000 cultural artifacts. This collection forms the cornerstone of the high speed rail's cultural assets.